
Cutting edge research and analysis to empower your commercial real estate decision making

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portfolio of our work product including proprietary datasets, research, financial models, and excel tools

Below are examples of our work product including proprietary datasets, research, financial models, and Excel tools. We built everything from scratch using our in-house expertise and proprietary research datasets. Feel free to get in touch should you have any questions.

Advanced Real Estate Model for Detailed Lease Pro Formas

This real estate model enables detailed lease pro forma return modeling for asset classes such as office, retail, and industrial where deep leasing nuances can make or break a deal. Also included is a high-level instruction manual for the model.

Law Office Rent-vs-Buy Source Data and Final Product

Sensible, easy-to-use tool designed to communicate complex financial concepts (NPV, XIRR, hurdle rates, etc.) in a simple and direct fashion for a less-familiar audience (e.g. doctors, lawyers looking to buy their office space). Can easily be repurposed for other clients or use cases. Includes full source dataset including rent roll, financials, research, along with the finished model and presentation. More detailed walkthrough within this post which includes images.


DemographIQ is a tool that we have programmed from scratch using open-source technologies (FastAPI, NextJS, Python, SQL, etc.) on AWS serverless infrastructure. A few months remain until our official launch, but the home page should do a great job of explaining the tool in-depth. This tool arose from prior issues quickly pulling critical demographic data for small or uncommon geographic areas when developing top-down investment strategies.

Investor Memo Template

This is a PowerPoint template for a single-asset investor memo. You can repurpose this template for your specific needs. This template features a crisp institutional design and employs slide masters to easily replace your own theme and design without tedious slide-by-slide changes. The template itself includes slides for Executive Summary, Maps, Property Highlights, Transaction Summary, Operational Assumptions, Timeline, Risks and Mitigants, Partnership Summary, Sponsor Overview, Deal Team, Post-Investment Expectations, and Appendices. Check out this post for a more granular walkthrough.