
Cutting edge research and analysis to empower your commercial real estate decision making

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comprehensive, data-driven, institutional-quality services

Investments, Sales, and Valuation

Maximizing real estate value through strategic investment, diligent underwriting, and detailed market analysis.

Asset and Portfolio Management

Comprehensive management and investor relation services ensuring portfolio optimization.

Debt and Special Situations

Navigating complex debt structures and special financial situations with precision and strategic foresight.

Multi-Strategic Advisory

Offering versatile and dynamic strategic advisory services tailored to the unique demands of each property and investment opportunity, from development to adaptive reuse and corporate M&A.

Frequently Requested Technical Skills

  • % Below / Above Market Calculation
  • ARGUS Dump
  • Cap Rates
  • Comprehensive and accurate Financial Model
  • Cost analysis
  • Due Diligence
  • Dynamic Assumption Inputs
  • Dynamic, yet Straightforward Models
  • Economic Analysis
  • Estimating Development Cost
  • Excel
  • Excel model with ARGUS dumps
  • Expected Sale Value
  • Experienced Financial Model Developer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Modeling
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Statement Preparation
  • Functionality for Financing, Valuation, Sources & Uses
  • Interest Reserve
  • Investment Returns
  • IRR
  • Loan-to-value
  • Market Research
  • Market Trends
  • Proficiency in ARGUS software
  • Proficiency with Financial Modeling Tools
  • Property Valuation
  • Real Estate Development Modeling
  • Real Estate Financial Modeling
  • Real Estate Financial Statements Expert
  • Real Estate Investments
  • Real Estate Modeling Expert
  • Real Estate Revenue Forecasting
  • Real Estate Underwriter
  • Real Estate Waterfall Calculation
  • Refinance
  • Refinance Toggle
  • Rent Roll Analysis
  • Strong background in financial modeling
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Lien
  • True LTC Net Funding or Initial Takedown Financing
  • Underwriting real estate deals using Excel
  • Vacant Space Lease Up Assumptions
  • Valuation
  • Value Add Lease Up Model
  • Web Form
  • Zoning Approvals

Common Outputs

  • Basic MLA Assumptions Overview
  • Clean Rent Roll Output
  • Clean, simple outputs with PDF
  • Executive Summary
  • Fundraising Memos
  • P & LP Waterfall
  • Offering Memorandum (OM)
  • Pitch Decks
  • Property Pro Forma Projections
  • Quaterly Financials
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Robust Financial Model
  • Scenario/Stress Analysis
  • Sensitivity Tables
  • Separate Sheet for Capital Expenses outside of ARGUS
  • Sources and Uses
  • Standardized Templates
  • Unlevered / Levered Returns
  • Untrended / Trended Return on Cost
  • WALT
  • Waterfall with Gross and Net Returns